» 姓名:葛筱璐 | » 系属:光电系 | |
» 学位:博士 | » 职称:副教授 | |
» 专业:光学 | » 导师类别:硕士生导师 | |
» 电子邮箱:xlge@sdut.edu.cn | ||
» 通讯地址:山东省淄博市张店区51白菜主頁欢迎您西校区#15-223 | ||
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◎ 研究方向 1. 新型涡旋光场的传输特性 2. 自适应光学校正 3. 奇点光学 4. 信息光学及光场调控 ◎ 教育工作经历 1. 2003.09-2004.06,中国科学技术大学,研究生理论课学习 2. 2004.07-2006.06,中科院安徽光学精密机械研究所,硕士研究生 3. 2012.09-2016.06,山东师范大学,博士研究生 4. 2006.06-至今,51白菜主頁欢迎您,副教授 ◎ 学术兼职 1. New Journal of Physics, Journal of Modern Optics, Applied Physics B, 物理学报,Optik等期刊审稿人. ◎ 主讲课程 1. 《普通物理学》、《电磁场与电磁波》、《传感器原理与应用》、《大学物理》等本科生课程 2. 《光电传感技术》等研究生课程 ◎ 承担项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,11704226,非均匀湍流大气中涡旋光束的传输特性及自适应光学校正,2018.01-2020.12,25万元,主持。 2. 山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目,ZR2017MA051,涡旋光束在非均匀湍流大气中的传输特性及自适应光学校正,2017.08-2020.06,14万元,主持。 3. 中科院重点实验室开放课题基金,JJ-10-03,激光大气传输强湍流效应中光波相位不连续性问题研究,2011.01-2012.12,5万元,主持。 4. 横向课题,调控水溶液中溶解氧浓度的关键技术研究,2016.12-2017.12, 12万元,主持。 5. 横向课题,亚甲基蓝光化学灭菌器,2015.12-2016.12, 5万元,主持。 6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,11104165,石墨烯被动锁模光纤激光器的机理及特性研究,2012.01-2014.12,28万元,参与。 7. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,11304184,基于MOPA结构的光纤拉曼黄光激光器研究,2014.01-2016.12,28万元,参与。 8. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,10574127,光波大气传播相位不连续性问题研究,2006.01-2008.12,28.5万元,参与。 9. 山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目,ZR201911070461,基于结构脉冲光场的非线性光镊基础研究,2020.11-2023.12,10万元,参与。 10.山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目,ZR2019MA020,X射线自由电子激光参量优化机制及其传播动力学理论研究,2019.07-2022.06,20万元,参与。 11.山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目,ZR2019MA046,磁等离激元微纳光结构的光学和磁学特性研究,2019.07-2022.06,20万元,参与。 12.山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目,ZR2013FM007,基于阵列针孔抽样的X射线相干衍射成像,2013.07-2016.07,9万元,参与。 13.山东省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,ZR2010FQ024,589nm光纤拉曼黄光激光器研究,2010.10-2013.10,5万元,参与。 14.山东省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,ZR2013EM008,羟基磷灰石/介孔二氧化硅为载体组装的静脉注射用药物研究,2013.01-2015.12,3万元,参与。 15.山东省高等学校科技计划项目,J13LN28,基于主振荡功率放大器的拉曼光纤黄光激光器研究,2013.09-2016.09,3万元,参与。 16.山东省高等学校科技计划项目,J09LG11,多路掺Yb光纤激光器相干合成技术研究,2009.09-2011.12,4.5万元,参与。 ◎ 论文 1. Yudong Lyu, Zhongsheng Man, Rui Zhao, Peiwen Meng, Wenfei Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu, Hybrid polarization induced transverse energy flow, Optics Communications,485:126704 (2021). 2. Junjie Yuan, Guowei Liu, Zhengping Wang, Shenggui Fu, Xiaolu Ge, Zhongsheng Man, Kezhen Han, Fang Zhang, Fei Xing, & Xinguang Xu, Starting monomer of graphdiyne hexakis[(trimethylsilyl)ethynyl]benzene: a superior nonlinear absorption material, Journal of Materials Science, 56(5):1-10 (2021). 3. Xiaojuan Liu, Zhifeng Hong, Ying Liu, Huanian Zhang, Liping Guo, Xiaolu Ge, Few-layer TaSe 2 as a saturable absorber for passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber lasers, Optical Materials Express, 11(2):385 (2021). 4. Wei Zhang, Kaijie Zhang, Yang Meng, Haibin Sun, Xiaowei Li, Qingyang Du, Jiahai Bai, Xiaolu Ge, Chengfeng Li, Enhanced photophysical properties of silica-methylene blue@amorphous carbon as fluorochromes with modulated Raman-active vibration modes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry,406:112987 (2021). 5. Xifu Yue, Xiaolu Ge*, Yudong Lyu, Rui Zhao, Benyi Wang, Kezhen Han, Wenfei Zhang, Zhongsheng Man, Shengfui Fu, Mean intensity of lowest order Bessel-Gaussian beams with phase singularities in turbulent atmosphere, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 219:165215 (2020). 6. Zhao Wang, Gong-Xiang Wei, Xiaolu Ge, Huiqiang Liu, Benyi Wang, High-resolution quantitative phase imaging based ona spatial light modulator and incremental binaryrandom sampling, Applied Optics, 59(20):6148-6154 (2020). 7. Zhifeng Hong, Ying Liu, Fuhao Yang, Xiaojuan Liu, Huanian Zhang, Liping Guo, Xiaolu Ge,Passively Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with TiSe2 as Saturable Absorber, Optics and Photonics Journal, 10:251-263 (2020). 8. Zhidong Bai, Shuoshuo Zhang, Yudong Lyu,Rui Zhao,Xifu Yue,Xiaolu Ge,Shenggui Fu,Zhongsheng Man,Metallic particle manipulation with adjustable trapping range through customized field, Optics Communications, 473(1):126045 (2020). 9. Xiaojuan Liu,Ping Hu,Ying Liu,Liping Guo,Xiaolu Ge,Huanian Zhang,Conventional solitons and bound-state solitons in an erbium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by TiSe2-based saturable absorber, Nanotechnology, 31(36):365202 (2020). 10.Zhang Wei,Zhang Guangli, Wang Wenhao,Sun Haibin,Du Qingyang,Li Xiaowei, Ge Xiaolu,Li Chengfeng,Modulation of release mechanisms of methylene blue (MB) monomers and dimers from silica-MB@shellac synthesized by antisolvent crystallization, Materials Science & Engineering C, 107:110309 (2020). 11.张文飞, 任立勇, 邢飞, 张芳,葛筱璐, 王国梅, 付圣贵,基于离散余弦变换金字塔分解的新型偏振光学去雾技术, 激光与光电子学进展, 57(6):061102 (2020). 12.张文飞, 孔伟金, 李宗文, 邢飞, 张芳, 葛筱璐, 付圣贵, 金属/介质膜脉宽压缩光栅研究进展, 激光与光电子学进展, 57(1):010004 (2020). 13.葛筱璐,岳喜福,王本义,韩克祯,郭立萍,刘晓娟,满忠胜,付圣贵. 湍流大气中无衍射涡旋光束的展宽及相位奇点的演化. 光学学报, 39(9) :0901001 (2019). 14.Ping Hu; Yan Huang; Fangfang Liu; Ying Liu; Liping Guo; Xiaolu Ge; Xiaojuan Liu*; A Q-switchederbium-doped fiber laser based on ZrS2 as a saturable absorber, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 17(8):080603 (2019). 15.Liping Guo, Xiaojuan Liu, Xiaolu Ge, Recording of Chirped Volume Gratings by a Convergent Beam and a Divergent Beam,Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,202: 163569(2019). 16.Shuoshuo Zhang, Zhidong Bai, Jinjian Li, Yudong Lyu, Zhongsheng Man, Fei Xing, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu, Tunable focal shift induced by polarization and phase shaping, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 199: 162788 (2019). 17.Zhongsheng Man, Xiaoyu Li, Shuoshuo Zhang, Zhidong Bai, Yudong Lyu, Jinjian Li, Xiaolu Ge, Yu-Ping Sun, Shenggui Fu, Manipulation of the transverse energy flow of azimuthally polarized beam in tight focusing system, Optics Communications, 431:174-180, (2019). 18.Shuoshuo Zhang, Shenggui Fu, Huannian Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Zhidong Bai, Yudong Lyu, Rui Zhao, Zhongsheng Man, Fully controlled photonic spin in highly confined optical field, Optics Express, 27(23):33621 (2019). 19.Zhidong BaiShuoshuo Zhang,Jinjian LiYudong LyuZhongsheng Man, Xiaolu Ge Fei Xing, Shenggui Fu, Control of the creation of bottle-hollow beam by polarization shaping, Optik, 182(1):74-79(2019). 20.Guowei Liu, Fang Zhang, Tiange Wu, Zongwen Li, Wenfei Zhang, Kezhen Han, Fei Xing, Zhongsheng Man, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu, Single- and dual-wavelength passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser based on antimonene saturable absorber, IEEE Photonics Journal PP(99):1-1 (2019). 21.Wenfei Zhang, Jian Liang, Fei Xing, Zhongsheng Man, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu, Polarimetric imaging method for target enhancement in haze based on polarimetric retrieval, Journal of Modern Optics 66(11):1-9 (2019). 22.W Zhang,G Zhang,W Wang,H Sun,Q Du,X Li,X Ge,C Li,Modulation of release mechanisms of methylene blue (MB) monomers and dimers from silica-MB@shellac synthesized by antisolvent crystallization,Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, 107:110309 (2019). 23.Wang W , Zhang W , Sun H , Li X, Du Q, Wei C, Ge X, Li C, The transition from locally excited states to twisted intramolecular charge transfer states for fluorescence methylene blue labeled in biodegradable silica particles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 291:111312 (2019). 24.Li C , Zhang W , Zhang G , Wang W , & Ge X, Synthesis of plate-like α-alumina crystals by solid state reaction of fir immersed with slurry mixture of gibbsite and non-fluorine morphological modifiers, Micro & Nano Letters, 14(9):1003-1006 (2019). 25.Wenhao Wang, Rujing Shi, Wei Zhang, Haibin Sun, Xiaolu Ge, Chengfeng Li, Enhanced generation efficiency of singlet oxygen for methylene blue released from hydroxyapatite-MB@tannic acid-Fe(III) ions, Pigment and Resin Technology,48(2) (2019). 26.张文飞,满忠胜,葛筱璐,邢飞,付圣贵,一种快速实现的偏振光学去雾方法, 激光与光电子学进展, 56(14):141103 (2019). 27.Guowei Liu,Fang Zhang,Tiange Wu, Zongwen Li,Wenfei Zhang,Kezhen Han,Fei Xing,Zhongsheng Man,Xiaolu Ge,Shenggui Fu,Single- and Dual-Wavelength Passively Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Antimonene Saturable Absorber, IEEE Photonics Journal,11(3):1503011 (2019). 28.Ping Hu,Ying Liu,Liping Guo,Xiaolu Ge, Xiaojuan Liu,Lijun Yu, Qinghui Liu, Passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser based on antimonene as saturable absorber, Applied Optics, 58(28):7845 (2019). 29.Xiaolu Ge,Liping Guo, Kezhen Han,Zhongsheng Man,Shenggui Fu Evolution of Phase Singularities for a Laser Beam Propagating through an Inhomogeneous Turbulent Atmosphere, Proc. of SPIE:Photonics Asia,10818(2018). 30. Zhongsheng Man, Zhidong Bai, Shuoshuo Zhang, Xiaoyu Li, Jinjian Li, Xiaolu Ge, Yuquan Zhang, Shenggui Fu*, Redistributing the energy flow of a tightly focused radially polarized optical field by designing phase masks, Optics Express, 26(18):23935 (2018). 31.Zhongsheng Man, Zhidong Bai, Shuoshuo Zhang, Jinjian Li, Xiaoyu Li, Xiaolu Ge, Yuquan Zhang, Shenggui Fu*, Focusing properties of arbitrary optical fields combining spiral phase and cylindrically symmetric state of polarization, Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 34(8):1384 (2018). 32.Zhongsheng Man, Zhidong Bai, Jinjian Li, Shuoshuo Zhang, Xiaoyu Li, Yuquan Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu*, Optical cage generated by azimuthal- and radial-variant vector beams, Applied Optics, 57(13):3592 (2018). 33.Zhongsheng Man, Zhidong Bai, Jinjian Li, Shuoshuo Zhang, Xiaoyu Li,Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu, Focus shaping by tailoring arbitrary hybrid polarization states that have a combination of orthogonal linear polarization bases, Applied Optics, 57(12):3047 (2018). 34.Wenhao Wang,Wei Zhang,Haibin Sun,Qingyang Du,Jiahai Bai,Xiaolu Ge,Chengfeng Li,Enhanced photodynamic efficiency of methylene blue with controlled aggregation state in silica-methylene bule-acetate@tannic acid-iron(III) ions complexes,Dyes and Pigments,160:663-670 (2018). 35.HAN Ke-zhen,HUANG Yan,LIU Fang-fang,PANG Xin,HU Ping,LIU Guo-wei,QIN Hua,ZHANG Fang,GEXiao-lu, LIU Xiao-juan, GENG Xue, An intelligent method to design laser resonator with particle swarm optimization algorithm, OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS, 14(6):0425-0428 (2018). 36.韩克祯,耿雪,张芳,葛筱璐,刘晓娟,秦华,关于黑体辐射曲线顶点问题的讨论, 物理通报, 10:115-118 (2018). 37.葛筱璐,王本义,郭立萍,满忠胜,湍流大气中激光上行和下行传输时相位奇点的演化, 强激光与粒子束, 30(12):121001 (2018). 38.葛筱璐, 魏功祥, 刘晓娟, 囯承山. 湍流大气中涡旋光束的光强分布及光学涡旋的漂移.光学学报, 36(10):1026015(2016). 39.葛筱璐, 王本义, 囯承山. 涡旋光束在湍流大气中的光束扩展. 光学学报, 36(3):0301002(2016). 40.Xiao-Lu Ge, Ben-Yi Wang, Cheng-Shan Guo, Evolution of phase singularities of vortex beams propagating in atmospheric turbulence. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 32(5):837-842 (2015). 41. Ben-Yi Wang, Xiao-Lu Ge, Qing-Yang Yue, and Cheng-Shan Guo, Determining the vortex densities of random nondiffracting beams, Optics Letters, 40(7):1418-1421 (2015). 42.Chengfeng Li,Yadong Li,Jiahai Bai,Xiaolu Ge,Guochang Li,Changhong Su,Zanzhong Yang,Release behavior of methylene blue dimers from silica-methylene blue@octacalcium phosphate powders in phosphate-buffered saline and lysosome-like buffer,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology,75(2) (2015). 43.Chengfeng Li,Xiaolu Ge,Yadong Li,Jiahai Bai,Guochang Li,Changhong Su,Zanzhong Yang,Modulation of release behaviors of methylene blue from degradable silica-methylene blue@octacalcium phosphate powders with different shell structures,Colloids & Surfaces A Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects,472:78-84 (2015). 44.Xiao-Lu Ge, Xuan Liu, and Cheng-Shan Guo. Evolution of branch points for a laser beam propagating through an uplink turbulent atmosphere. Optics Express, 22(6):6569-6576 (2014). 45.Bei Sha, Xuan Liu, Xiao-Lu Ge, and Cheng-Shan Guo. Fast reconstruction of off-axis digital holograms based on digital spatial multiplexing, Optics Express, 22(19), 23066-23072 (2014). 46.Chengfeng Li,Xiaolu Ge,Guochang Li,Hao Lu,Rui Ding,In situ hydrothermal crystallization of hexagonal hydroxyapatite tubes from yttrium ion-doped hydroxyapatite by the Kirkendall effect,Materials Science and Engineering C,45:191–195 (2014). 47.Chengfeng Li,Xiaolu Ge,Guochang Li,,Rui Ding,Crystallization of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate with presence of glutamic acid and arginine at 37 °C,Materials Science and Engineering C,41:283–291 (2014). 48.Chengfeng Li,Xiaolu Ge,Guochang Li,Qiaochun Gao,Rui Ding,A facile hydrothermal method for synthesis of submillimeter-long octacalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite as drug carriers with sustained release behaviors,Advanced Powder Technology,25(6):1661-1666 (2014). 49.Chengfeng Li,Xiaolu Ge,Jianying Zhao, Guochang Li,Jiahai Bai, Qingyang Du, Rui Ding,Preparation and characterization of novel hydroxyapatite/copper assemblies with well-defined morphologies,SolidState Sciences,29:66-74 (2014). 50.Xiaolu Ge, Chengfeng Li, Chengyu Fan, Xiaoxing Feng, Bingqiang Cao. Enhanced photoluminescence properties of methylene blue dye encapsulated in nanosized hydroxyapatite/silica particles with core-shell structure, Applied Physics A, 113:583-589 (2013). 51.GE Xiao-lu,FAN Cheng-yu,FENG Xiao-xing,LI Cheng-feng,LIU Xiao-juan,GUO Li-ping,WEI Gong-xiang. The behavior of branch points in laser propagation through atmosphere,Proc. of SPIE, 85570H ( 2012). 52.葛筱璐, 冯晓星, 范承玉. 激光大气传输光波相位不连续性问题研究进展,激光技术, 36(4): 485-489 ( 2012). 53.GE Xiao-lu, FAN Cheng-yu, FENG Xiao-xing, LI Cheng-feng, LIU Xiao-juan , FU Sheng-gui. The character of branch points’variation in laser propagation through atmosphere, Proc. of SPIE. 8197:1-9 ( 2011). 54.葛筱璐,范承玉,王英俭. 相位不连续点数目随湍流强度的变化. 光学学报, 27(712):1-6 (2008). 55.葛筱璐,范承玉. 相位不连续点数与湍流效应特征参数的关系. 大气与环境光学学报, 2(1):28-31 ( 2007). 56.葛筱璐,范承玉,王英俭. 激光大气传输相位不连续点的时空演化特征的数值计算. 强激光与粒子束, 8(7):1066-1070 (2006). 57.葛筱璐,黄印博,范承玉.湍流强度对激光大气传输及其自适应光学校正的影响.大气与环境光学学报, 1(1):27-32(2006). ◎ 专利 1. 葛筱璐,李成峰. 一种针状亚甲基白晶体的制备方法。国家发明专利,授权时间:2015.11.11. 另外,以合作者授权专利20余项。 ◎ 教学项目 1.51白菜主頁欢迎您研究生教学项目——《光电传感技术》教学案例库建设,主持。 2.51白菜主頁欢迎您课程思政教学改革项目——《普通物理A》,主持。 ◎ 获奖情况 1.第九届51白菜主頁欢迎您青年教师讲课比赛一等奖; 2.2011年51白菜主頁欢迎您教学质量奖; 3.2015年51白菜主頁欢迎您科技进步二等奖, 5排2. 指导员工获奖情况 1.指导的研究生获2021年研究生科汇奖学金; 2.山东省第三届光电设计科技创新大赛一等奖(1项),三等奖(2项)指导教师. ◎ 荣誉称号 1.51白菜主頁欢迎您“三八”红旗手(2011年); 2. 51白菜主頁欢迎您优秀教师(2019年). |